It’s no secret that D.C. politicians have embarked on a major spending spree in recent years.
The federal deficit hit an all-time high in 2020, reaching $3.13 trillion as our nation’s leaders handed out money like candy. Worse, federal debt only continued to grow in the new year — the government spent $2.77 trillion more than it collected in 2021.
D.C. has continued to spend recklessly and well beyond our nation’s means, with no end in sight. At the time of writing this post, the national debt has ballooned to over $29 trillion.
That can be a pretty tough number to grasp (especially, it seems, for the politicians who are spending all that money), so picture this: If you had a trillion dollar bills stacked one on top of another from the ground up, it would reach 67,866 miles into space. And our nation’s debt is 29 times that.
Meanwhile, inflation is at its highest rate in decades. The cost of housing is skyrocketing. With every visit to the grocery store or gas pump, Americans are feeling the heat from the economic trainwreck that’s engulfing our nation. For many of us, there’s little room for error in our budgets.
And at this rate, it’s only going to get worse.
While Biden and his friends in Congress are clearly comfortable borrowing trillions of dollars from Japan, China, other foreign governments, and even the American public, this is a dangerous practice that will come back to haunt all of us.
The largely ignored truth is that all of this money will need to be paid back— and it’s going to come from your personal pocketbook.
Democrats like to pretend this isn’t reality, but We The People can see the writing on the wall: the government can only get the money to pay off the astronomical debt our politicians have racked up from the people, and it won’t be by issuing savings bonds.
If this trend continues, taxes will go up—massively. We need your help to stop this from happening.
2022 is poised to be a pivotal year for our nation. If you want to help Americans keep their hard-earned money this year, DONATE today to send a clear message to D.C.: stop spending money we don’t have.